

dwelling_idstring(uuid)ID of the dwelling
addressobjectAddress of the dwellingReferences Address
coveragesarrayList of dwelling coverage objectsReferences DwellingCoverage
mortgageesarrayList of mortgagee objectsReferences Mortgagee
mortgagee_namestring | null[DEPRECATED] Name of the mortgagee. Please use mortgagees instead.deprecated: true
mortgagee_addressobject | null[DEPRECATED] Address of the mortgagee. Please use mortgagees instead.References Address
mortgage_loan_numberstring | null[DEPRECATED] Loan number of the mortgage. Please use mortgagees instead.deprecated: true
replacement_cost_centsinteger | nullReplacement cost in cents
cash_value_centsinteger | nullCash value in cents
property_dataobject | nullDwelling property data. Your plan must include property data in order to access this API in production. For more information, contact your Canopy Connect representative.References PropertyData
loss_settlement_typestring | nullThe loss settlement provision for the dwellingenum: REPLACEMENT_COST, ACTUAL_CASH_VALUE
extended_replacement_cost_percentinteger | nullThe increased limit of liability for the DWELLING coverage (Coverage A), in percentmaximum: 100
minimum: 0