Canopy Connect Apps

Building a Canopy Connect App allows you to access API endpoints on behalf of another Canopy Connect user.

You will use OAuth 2.0 to request permission to act on a Team’s behalf. Once a user grants access you will be given an Access Token that will authenticate your requests with our API endpoints.

Key Terms

Team ID

Every Canopy Connect user is part of a Team. The Team ID is used in API requests to specify the Team you are acting on behalf of.

Client ID

You will be given an ID that uniquely identifies your App during the OAuth flow.

Client Secret

We will generate a secret “passphrase” that you can use to prove that requests are coming from your servers. You must ensure that this secret is kept private and secure.

Redirect URI

During the OAuth flow you will send the user to the Canopy Connect dashboard to grant access to your App. Once authorized, we will return the user to your site at the Redirect URI.


Check out our Resources section for more information on these terms and useful tools for developing your Canopy Connect App.

Example App

We provide an Example App that implements all of the steps in this guide. You may find it helpful to follow along and refer to this app as you progress through the documentation.